Dr Will Harrison

Dr Will Harrison

Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering

Email address

Office - 307
Third Floor
Engineering North
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


PhD MRes BEng ProfGrad IOMMM

Research interests involve using computational methods to solve structural engineering problems, with an emphasis on correlating numerical trends to observable micromechanical phenomenon. 

Completed a PhD in finite element analysis (FEA) of creep in nickel and titanium alloys in 2007, followed by post-doctoral research at the Rolls-Royce UTC in Structural Materials at Swansea University. This research focused on developing numerical methods for predicting creep and fatigue in aeroengine applications.

More recent research has involved modelling miniaturised mechanical test techniques, additive layer manufacturing (ALM), multidisciplinary design optimisation of automotive body-in-white structures using high performance computing (HPC) and digital image correlation (DIC).

Currently, investigating various aspects concerning the formability of thin sheet metals using FEA applied to metal packaging forming in collaboration with Crown Holdings.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Finite element analysis
  • Material characterisation (creep/fatigue)
  • Optimisation
  • Additive layer manufacturing (ALM)

Career Highlights

Award Highlights
2013 Royal Society MP/Civil Servant Pairing Scheme