Bay Campus
Professor Paul Lewis

Professor Paul Lewis

Professor Emeritus (School of Management), Management School

Email address

Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Professor Lewis holds a joint Chair between the School of Management and the Medical School. With a first degree and PhD in Genetics, Paul became a Lecturer in Cardiff University before joining the Swansea's Medical School in 2004 and the School of Management in 2015. 

Paul is Director of the Centre for Health and Environmental Management Research and Innovation (CHEMRI) in the School of Management and leads the Respiratory Diagnostics Group in Medicine. A primary focus for CHEMRI is the analysis of large-scale environmental data and impacts on health and wellbeing of citizens, particularly in areas of higher deprivation. 

Key research involves modelling of environmental and health data for impact assessment, application of large scale analytics including machine learning and multivariate statistical techniques and the evaluation of sustainable technologies for air quality monitoring. 

Working closely with local authorities and industry, Paul's team have a special interest in modelling and assessing impact of particulates including PM10 and PM2.5 in urban areas and industry and generating evidence for policy change. 

His respiratory research involves the development and application of optical spectroscopy for high-throughput and low-cost diagnostics. He has led, and been involved in, a number of clinical trials and studies involving health boards and trusts across the UK. His work has led to the filing of three patents and the formation of a number of spin-out companies in the field of diagnostics and air pollution monitoring and analytics. 

Paul has research collaborations with a number of health boards across Wales including Swansea Bay UHB, Cwm Taff UHB, Hywel Dda UHB and Cardiff and Vale UHB. As a principal investigator and co-investigator he has been involved in generating over £6 million in external research grant funding. 

Paul is a member of the Welsh Assembly Cross Party Group - A Clean Air Act for Wales. From 2018, Paul has been an expert member of the Welsh Government Wales air quality direction independent review panel and member of the Welsh Government Domestic Solid Fuel Burning in Wales - Task and Finish Group. In 2020 he joined the Welsh Government Clean Air Advisory Panel as an expert member. 

Areas Of Expertise

  • Environmental impacts on health
  • Pollutant modelling
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Large data analytics
  • Optical technologies
  • Respiratory disease management

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Data analytics 

Essential analytic skills for business 


Research Award Highlights