Institute of Life Science 2 Internal Atrium
Professor Ian Pallister

Professor Ian Pallister

Honorary Professor, Faculty of Medicine Health and Life Science
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Professor Pallister has worked as a clinical academic trauma surgeon since joining Swansea University and Morriston Hospital in 2002. He is actively engaged in medical student teaching in clinical anatomy, trauma and orthopaedics and also clinical skills. He also regularly supervises student projects in medicine and also applied medical sciences. 

His research interests cover a wide range of civilian and military spheres and he has worked closely with colleagues in the UK Defence Medical Services 

Areas Of Expertise

  • Major trauma: damage control resuscitation and the response to injury
  • Complex fractures
  • Pelvic and acetabular trauma
  • Open fractures
  • Skills education and evaluation

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Pallister contributes to Medical School teaching in clinical anatomy sessions, apprenticeships. LOCs and specialty attachments.

In addition, he is Director of the MSc Trauma Surgery Programme and has a major interest in the teaching of technical skills and in the clinical and simulated environment, along with immersive simulation for time critical emergency training.

Research Award Highlights Collaborations