Students using sports science testing equipment

Our home at the Bay Campus

Swansea University is a dual campus university, with the Sport and Exercise Sciences department home being at the Bay Campus 

The main sports facilities for all Swansea University students and staff are those at the Swansea Bay Sports Park, adjacent to the Singleton Park Campus.

The University’s Swansea Bay Sports Park houses numerous sports facilities, including 50m and 25m swimming pools, playing fields, indoor and outdoor athletics facilities, multi-purpose Uni-gym, fitness studios, squash and tennis courts.

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We have several specialised Laboratories on campus, including the Exercise Physiology lab, Biomechanics lab, Research lab with Biochemistry lab, Phlebotomy lab, DEXA lab, Environmental Chamber, Muscle Function lab, as well as Nutrition lab and Psychology lab.

Exercise Physiology Laboratory

Exercise Physiology Laboratory

The Exercise Physiology Laboratory is used for measurement in applied physiology. It provides a high-quality experience-based learning environment for physiology-related modules.

Biomechanics Laboratory

Biomechanics Laboratory

Home to a state-of-the-art motion analysis system. Using the laboratory facilities, full kinematic analysis of various complex movements can be performed.

Our facilities include:

  • Range of exercise ergometers (e.g., treadmills, cycles, rowing, armcranks, isokinetic)
  • Range of body composition analysis techniques, including bioelectrical impedance analysis and near infra-red analysis
  • Range of anthropometrical measurement techniques
  • Ambulatory and laboratory-based expired gas analysis, electrocardiographic and haemodynamic analysis
  • Lung function assessment and analysis
  • Muscle function testing using multi-joint isokinetic dynamometry, force platforms and Ballistic Measurement System
  • Range of blood analysis equipment for the determination of metabolites, specific proteins and hormones
  • Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Scanner which measures body composition and bone density


  • Multiple Vyntus CPX systems (Used for cardiopulmonary exercise and pulmonary function testing). Complete with Vyntus ECG and Vyntus Canopy.
  • Multiple Ultrasound machines
  • Portable and fixed-force platforms
  • Multiple STATSport GPS systems
  • FirstBeat team heart rate monitoring system
  • Tobii pro eye tracking system
  • Range of wearable technology for motion and physical activity analysis
  • Environmental Chamber capable of manipulating temperature (0-45o) and humidity (5-95%).

World-class sports facilities at Swansea University

Swansea University hosts a £20m sports village at the Swansea Bay Sports Park, adjacent to the Singleton Park Campus, that houses the following:

  • Sports Centre – 80 station modern gym, sports hall, climbing wall, squash courts
  • Indoor Athletics Centre – 6 lane 60m running track, jump pit, high jump, pole vault, throwing cage and javelin net
  • Wales National Pool – 50m and 25m pools
  • Outdoor Facilities – rugby and football pitches, all-weather tennis courts, water based astroturf pitches, 8 lane running track
  • Active Athletic Union – more than 40 Sports Teams who compete across the UK

Find out more on the University's sports village website.

Aerial image of Swansea Bay Sports Park

Current research includes:

  • Blood testing for the effects of novel pharmaceutical insulin around exercise in people with type 1 diabetes.
  • Ischemic preconditioning on Physiological adaptations of short, medium, and long-term heat acclimation.
  • Biomechanical factors associated with ankle and knee injuries and long-term consequences of these injuries.
  • Isometric neck strength testing and training using a rugby-specific device designed and developed in Swansea.
  • Comparing wearable sensors against optical motion capture for the measurement of human segment orientations.
  • Physiological effects of algae supplementation