What we do
Energy and Environment Research Group is a part of Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering of the College of Engineering. The group has two main research strands: Engineering from Clouds to Coasts and Marine Energy.
The Engineering from Clouds to Coast research covers both fundamental and applied research into, coastal processes, coastal flooding, hydrometeorology and climate change impacts on the coastal environment using computational modelling, experimental investigations and field measurements.
Marine Energy research covers the engineering and environmental interactions of all types of marine renewables with primary focus on tidal stream turbines. Research expertise includes the combined effects of currents, waves and turbulence on turbines and the interaction of turbines in arrays using numerical modelling at all scales from turbine blades, to array scale and up to regional models.
Our research is supported with grants from the UK Research Councils, the Welsh Assembly, international research sponsors and industry and is focused firmly on major problems facing society regarding rising sea levels, flood risk, and offshore renewable energy.
The group contains internationally recognised specialists in marine renewable energy, coastal engineering, estuarine and coastal morphodynamics, flood risk and hydrometeorology, world class high performance computational infrastructure and, state-of-the-art laboratory experimentation and field measurement capabilities.