One of the biggest challenges we all face is the environmental crisis, and the need to protect our planet. Our researchers are addressing the unprecedented global challenges of our time by collaborating with partners across the world to safeguard and preserve our planet for future generations.

We are finding ways to preserve and protect the world for future generations
Our research is addressing global challenges:
- The SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre and the Active Building Centre’s vision will bring industry and university partners to develop clean energy, remove barriers and accelerate market adoption of new solar powered building design. By working in partnership with innovative companies, researchers will transform UK construction and energy sectors by creating buildings of the future – ‘Active Buildings’ and create energy-resilient communities, significantly contributing to electric vehicle and decarbonisation targets.
- Our Energy Safety Research Institute (ESRI) is delivering pioneering low-carbon energy research and innovation. Researchers have developed technology which has the potential to capture half a billion tonnes of carbon each year.
- Our glaciology research group experts work with teams at an international science station on the Greenland ice shelf, drilling deep into the ice to understand climate history. We continue to monitor the impact of the calving event on the Larsen C ice shelf and the fate of this huge one trillion tonne iceberg.
- We are also looking at how climate change influences animal movement and their habitats. Pioneered at Swansea University, the Smart Daily Diary Tag is helping researchers influence conservation plans for the protection of species across the globe.
The Faculties
Find out more about the research being undertaken at each of the Faculties involved in Sustainable Futures and the Environment
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How we are understanding and tackling climate change