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Swansea University researcher Dr Lewis Francis will share his work with a global audience at an international online conference next week.
Dr Francis, an associate professor in biomedical sciences based at Swansea University Medical School is a keynote speaker at the SelectScience Virtual Biopharmaceutical Summit.
Covering hot topics from across the biopharmaceutical pipeline, this groundbreaking event gets underway on Tuesday, December 8, and will provide an interactive forum for scientists and manufacturers worldwide to connect and share knowledge at this critical time.
The free event will feature a raft of speakers, with headline topics including gene therapy, nanomedicines, drug discovery, and routine testing.
Dr Francis will deliver a talk entitled Nanomedicines and advanced therapeutics for gynaecological cancers, where he will outline the exciting research being conducted within the Reproductive Biology and Gynaecological Oncology Research Group.
He said: “We have a wide-ranging research remit in the group currently, with clinically driven projects to develop new and advanced therapeutic approaches in female reproductive cancers.
“Taking the opportunity to share our work with a global audience is an important part of what we do, getting feedback and input from worldwide audiences and disseminating our cutting edge approaches to develop with the wider scientific and biopharmaceutical community.”
As programme director for the Nanomedicine MSc, Dr Francis hosts Genetic and Biochemistry MSCi students and lectures on a wide range of undergraduate courses.
The summit will be open daily from December 8 to 10. You can see the line-up of speakers and reserve your free place on the summit website.