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School of Law’s research centre invited to join global counter-terrorism research network

The Cyber Threats Research Center (CYTREC), based at the Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law at Swansea University, has been formally invited to join the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate’s (CTED) Global Research Network (GRN).
At the beginning of April, Professor Stuart Macdonald, Director of CYTREC, received the invite from the United Nations to join the GRN, which is a unique partnership between the United Nations and the world’s leading academic institutions in the fields of terrorism, counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism.
Research produced by the GRN has been integrated into a range of activities, and a number of publications, helping to keep the global counter-terrorism policymaking community abreast of emerging terrorism and counter-terrorism trends.
Speaking of the invitation, Professor Stuart Macdonald said:
“I am delighted that CYTREC’s work has been recognised in this way. We are very much looking forward to sharing our research findings and recommendations with UN CTED and contributing to global efforts to formulate counter-terrorism policies that are effective and respectful of human rights and fundamental values.”
The invitation comes just a few months after the announcement of the £5.6 million investment, by Swansea University and the Welsh Government, into creating the Legal Innovation Lab Wales, which looks to enhance innovation in LegalTech, Access to Justice, and countering terrorist and criminal use of the internet.
Backed by £4 million from the European Regional Development Fund, the lab will be a unique research and innovation facility housed in the School of Law. As part of the project, sector-leading facilities, including a cyber-threats research suite with data research laboratories, will be created, to support collaboration with key partners.