The GDPO hosts supervision for a number of PhD Candidates researching areas within the drug policy sphere. This page provides a showcase for their research. If you are interested in collaborating with, employing, or otherwise contacting any of the researchers featured on this page, please email
GDPO PhD Candidates

Completed Doctorates
Supervisor: Professor David Bewley-Taylor
Title: Afghanistan's Wicked Problems: Counterinsurgency and Counternarcotics between 2002 and 2011
Awarded: 2018
Home Institution: Swansea University
Bio: Joe has an undergraduate degree in War and Society from Swansea. The work for his PhD dissertation focused on tensions between counterinsurgency and counternarcotics in Afghanistan between 2002 and 2011. The research was highly interdisciplinary in nature, drawing on behavioural science, anthropology, history, and other fields not typically considered in discussions of drug control (especially in producer countries).
- You can find Joe’s research profile on Research Gate here
- Email Joe at
Supervisor: Professor David Bewley-Taylor
Second Supervisor: Professor Alan Collins
Title: Crypto-Drug Markets: A Unique Challange to the Global Drug Prohibition Regime?
Awarded: 2020
Home Institution: Swansea University
Bio: Martin holds an MA (Distinction) in International Politics from Hull, and a BSc Econ (Hons) in International Politics and Strategic Studies from Aberystwyth. He has attracted full scholarships at both Hull and Swansea. Martin's Ph.D. is entitled "Crypto-Drug Markets: An Unique Challange to the Global Drug Prohibition Regime?" His research investigates the transnational crypto-drug market phenomena and the (potential) associated challenges for drug control policy. His work seeks to quantify to what extent CDMs impact the international prohibition regime, national prohibition policies, and state enforcement strategies. His research operates within, and contributes to, IR Regime Theory, and intersects with questions regarding the ongoing primacy of the state in the international system, traditional conceptions of identity, and international and domestic legal jurisdictions.
- You can follow Martin on here
Supervisor: Professor David Bewley-Taylor
Title: Access to medical opioids as a human right and the barriers and tensions on international drug control system
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