This module will help to discover the anatomy of the human body in a systems based approach (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculo-skeletal, respiratory and nervous systems). Anatomy is a fundamental science and supports many areas of biology and medicine. As such, the topics chosen for this module are those most useful to other areas of biological science, with clinical significance. This module will be delivered through lectures and practical classes with demonstrators leading practical and self-studying activities. Support materials and laboratory space for self-directed learning, including prosections, plastic anatomical models, bones and skeletons, and computer based anatomical models will be available.
Introduction to Population Health: Systems and Organisation
This module is designed to provide the foundational knowledge necessary to develop a deeper understanding of the historical context and antecedents for population health. It will address the structure, stakeholders, and processes of local, national and international health systems. An examination of the historical events and social, political, economic and demographic forces will help to contextualise the challenges faced by health systems stakeholders. Topics will cover both organisational and individual perspectives of population health and will serve as a foundation for further modules.
Doctor as Scholar and Scientist 1
This module provides medical students with the foundation of scientific knowledge, which is required for the practice of medicine. Based on the professional knowledge domain of the GMC¿s ¿Outcomes for Graduates (2020), this module enables students to develop their scientific knowledge within a clinical context.
Pharmacology: Dynamics and Kinetics
Pharmacology is the science of how drugs act on the body and how the body acts on drugs. Pharmacology investigates the chemical and physical properties of drugs, how those properties confer actions on living tissues and how those actions affect health and disease. In this module, students will examine how the body interacts with drugs (pharmacokinetics) and how the drug interacts with the body (pharmacodynamics). Students will learn how the body absorbs, distributed, metabolizes and excretes drugs as well as complex nature of how drugs produce their beneficial, or harmful, effects in living organisms.
Introduction to neuroscience
In order to help students understand the biological basis for behavioural neuroscience and neurological disorders, this module seeks to integrate cell biology, physiology and biochemistry to understand the founding principles of neuroscience. The aim is to gain a mechanistic and holistic knowledge of the nervous system that builds from the molecular, cellular and developmental, to the systems level. In addition to exploring normal function, this module will introduce common disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems in an integrated way. Students will be guided in exploring the scientific evidence around what is known and unknown and will be introduced to current research findings in the scientific literature.
Cyflwyniad i Niwrowyddoniaeth
Er mwyn helpu myfyrwyr i ddeall y sail fiolegol ar gyfer niwrowyddoniaeth ymddygiadol ac anhwylderau niwrolegol, mae'r modiwl hwn yn ceisio integreiddio bioleg celloedd, ffisioleg a biocemeg i ddeall egwyddorion sylfaenol niwrowyddoniaeth. Y nod yw meithrin gwybodaeth fecanistig a chyfannol o'r system nerfol sy'n adeiladu o'r lefel foleciwlaidd, gellog a datblygiadol, i lefel systemau. Yn ogystal ag archwilio gweithrediad normal, bydd y modiwl hwn yn cyflwyno anhwylderau cyffredin y brif systemau nerfol a pherifferol mewn ffordd integredig. Caiff myfyrwyr eu harwain i archwilio'r dystiolaeth wyddonol ynghylch yr hyn sy'n hysbys ac yn anhysbys a byddant yn cael cyflwyniad i ganfyddiadau ymchwil cyfredol yn y llenyddiaeth wyddonol.
Capstone Project
The aim of this module is to provide a capstone experience to students¿ learning, through participating in their own enquiry-based research project, with guidance from an academic supervisor. The project may be laboratory or non-laboratory based, but it will always involve a research question that is drawn from the literature, and focused on a topic relevant to the life sciences. It will ask a research question and involve the critical analysis of research findings. Students will refine their oral and written communication skills to a graduate level through an oral presentation and dissertation on their research findings and conclusions.
Doctor as Scholar and Scientist 2
This module further develops the student's scientific knowledge, building on the foundations laid in Year 1. Based on the professional knowledge domain of the GMC's "Outcomes for Graduates (2020)" this module enables students to enhance their scientific knowledge and understanding of its importance to clinical practice within a clinical context.
Teaching Science
This module is for students with an interest in teaching, science communication, and medicine. Students will complete an enquiry-based research project, based within the field of pedagogy or science communication, with guidance from an academic supervisor. Projects may be completed in collaboration with local schools/colleges, community groups, science outreach programmes (e.g. Oriel Science), in clinical/patient settings, or within Higher Education. Students will engage with workshops and digital resources to introduce various themes surrounding pedagogy and science communication to prepare them for their research project. Students will be required to critically analyse their research findings and produce a teaching or outreach activity/resource. Students will refine their oral and written communication skills to graduate level through an oral presentation and dissertation.
Addysgu Gwyddoniaeth
Mae'r modiwl hwn ar gyfer myfyrwyr sydd â diddordeb mewn addysgu, cyfleu gwyddoniaeth a meddygaeth. Bydd myfyrwyr yn cwblhau prosiect ymchwil sy'n seiliedig ar ymholiadau, ym maes addysgeg neu gyfleu gwyddoniaeth, o dan arweiniad goruchwyliwr academaidd. Gellir cwblhau prosiectau mewn cydweithrediad ag ysgolion/colegau lleol, grwpiau cymunedol, rhaglenni allgymorth gwyddoniaeth (e.e. Oriel Science), mewn lleoliadau clinigol/cleifion neu ym myd Addysg Uwch. Bydd myfyrwyr yn ymgysylltu â gweithdai ac adnoddau digidol i gyflwyno themâu amrywiol ynghylch addysgeg a chyfleu gwyddoniaeth i'w paratoi ar gyfer eu prosiect ymchwil. Gofynnir i fyfyrwyr ddadansoddi canfyddiadau eu hymchwil yn feirniadol a llunio gweithgaredd/adnodd addysgu neu allgymorth. Bydd myfyrwyr yn mireinio eu sgiliau cyfathrebu llafar ac ysgrifenedig i lefel raddedig drwy roi cyflwyniad poster a llunio traethawd hir.
The Neuroscience of Learning, Memory and Cognition
How do we perceive and make sense of the world?
How do we learn?
Why do we learn?
What happens when these things go wrong?
Learning, memory and cognition will be explored from a neuroscience perspective. We will consider the functional anatomy of the brain, and medical situations which affect learning, memory and cognition.
Evidence and Theory Based Education (Taught Masters)
This module is intended for students undertaking taught courses education for the health professions. It runs in parallel to, and shares content with, PMRM06 which is a 20 credit module of the same title undertaken by students on the on the D.Prof and M.Res in Education for Health professions.
The module will cover the evidence base for many of the common concepts of learning and instruction that are currently in use in the higher education generally, particularly the education of healthcare professionals. These will include learning theories, learning styles, feedback, cognitive load theory, retrieval practice and the science of learning. These will all be considered in detail, alongside their application to the context of the education of health professionals.
Integrated Portfolio
This module enables students to create a portfolio of assignments to support their entry into the research phase of their doctorate. They prepare a detailed plan for their research, supported by evidence and a reflective commentary, building upon assignments completed for PMRM06, 07 and 08. Part time students complete this module in year 2 of the programme. Full time students complete in year 1, alongside the aforementioned modules.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Medical Education
This module provides an introduction to the principles of effective teaching, learning and assessment, and to the perspectives used to guide educational practice across the various contexts where medical and healthcare professionals are trained. Through engagement in theoretical and practical activities, this module will focus on developing the knowledge, skills and professional behaviours of the expert teacher.
Evidence Based Education
This module is intended for students undertaking taught courses education for the health professions, mainly those on the Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma and MSc Medical Education.
The module will cover the evidence base for many of the common concepts of learning and instruction that are currently in use in the higher education generally, particularly the education of healthcare professionals. These will include the science of learning, learning theories, learning styles, feedback, cognitive load theory, small/large group teaching, and more. These will all be considered in detail, alongside their application to the context of the education of health professionals. The module includes weekly activities and content but is designed to be flexible, for busy working professionals, and so the content can be completed in the learners own time at their own pace, supported by optional Q+A.
Research project in Medical Education 1
This module provides further opportunities for those who are familiar with some research methods and techniques
but may benefit from supervision to advance their knowledge and skills educational research and evaluation. The current module aims to enhance the research skills and education and writing for publication by supporting learners to undertake a small-scale research or evaluation project in healthcare education.
Research Methods in Education
This module will help students to develop the skills necessary for conducting educational research. Both qualitative
and quantitative and `mixed¿ methods of data collection are studied and analysed, and the `pragmatic¿ orientation of
relating research methodology to the problem being researched is outlined in depth. The practical techniques of
data collection are studied in detail. Analysis of varying data types is also explained and issues to do with the design
of research also explored. The ethical foundations of research are also explored.
Innovations and Trends in Medical Education
This module aims to develop participants¿ awareness of contemporary issues in medical and healthcare education. This module will provide the opportunity for critical discussion and appraisal of the evidence relating to current and emerging topics within the field.
Curriculum Development in Medical Education
The current module will focus on discussing issues related to the curricula in medical and healthcare education form theoretical, evidence-based and practical perspectives. This module aims to develop participants¿ awareness of contemporary issues\his module in curriculum development in a broader sense encompassing issues related to the organisation and structure of content delivered a session, module, programme or across an institution.It will focus on critical discussion and appraisal exiting curriculum models, as well as the evidence-based around current/emerging topics within the field.
Research project in Medical Education 2
The current module aims to enhance the research skills and education and writing for publication by supporting learners to undertake a small-scale research or evaluation project in healthcare education.
Alongside, PMEM0130, this module provides further opportunities for those who are familiar with some research methods and techniques but may benefit from supervision to advance their knowledge and skills in: (i) a particular educational research or evaluation area (ii) conduct small research/evaluation project related to their educational practice (iii) enhance their writing for publication skills within the educational field (iv) gain experience in peer-reviewing of educational proposals/manuscripts.
Qualitative Data Analysis for Health and Medical Education
This is module aims to enable the students to conduct high-quality qualitative research in education. The module will focus on the common qualitative research designs and explore the theoretical perspectives, ethical issues, epistemological standpoints and practice considerations underpinning those designs. Practical techniques of data collection, analysis, interpretation and data presentation will be explored.
Research Dissertation
The current module aims to enhance the research skills and education and writing for publication by supporting learners to undertake a small-scale research or evaluation project in healthcare education.
This module provides further opportunities for those who are familiar with some research methods and techniques but may benefit from supervision to advance their knowledge and skills in: (i) a particular educational research or evaluation area (ii) conduct small research/evaluation project related to their educational practice (iii) enhance their writing for publication skills within the educational field (iv) gain experience in peer-reviewing of educational proposals/manuscripts.
Advanced Learning, Memory and Cognition
How and why do we learn? What happens when learning goes wrong? Many common health conditions have a surprising basis in learning and memory. In this module we will consider the neuroscience of learning, memory and cognition, with a focus on problems and perspectives from medicine, health and education.
Contemporary Issues in Medical Science
This module will allow students to choose from a range of short contemporary topics in Medical Sciences including screening for new therapeutic compounds, using model systems to understand human disease and disorders, using behavioral tools and open-source analysis software to answer contemporary questions in neuroscience such as how defects in genes or drugs influence behavior. There will also be the opportunity to select introductory journal club or lean sessions with potential dissertation supervisors. The focus on techniques is complemented by seminars on the ethics of human and animal studies. Each topic will be approximately 1 day and students will be able to pick 4-5 topics.
Foundations of Medical Neuroscience
This is the first module in the MSc Medical Neuroscience. We will review and expand core principles of neuroscience, ensuring that all students have the foundational knowledge and skills to succeed in the rest of the course. Much of the content will be available online, supported by seminars and tutorials.
Research Methods in Medical Science
This module will support students to develop the skills needed to undertake a dissertation project for the MSc Medical Neuroscience
Contemporary Issues in Medical Science
This module will allow students to choose from a range of short contemporary topics in Medical Sciences including screening for new therapeutic compounds, using model systems to understand human disease and disorders, using behavioral tools and open-source analysis software to answer contemporary questions in neuroscience such as how defects in genes or drugs influence behavior. There will also be the opportunity to select introductory journal club or lean sessions with potential dissertation supervisors. The focus on techniques is complemented by seminars on the ethics of human and animal studies. Each topic will be approximately 1 day and students will be able to pick 4-5 topics.
New Knowledge (NK60)
PMP303 New Knowledge is the dissertation research project for the MPharm Pharmacy (Hons) programme, conducted in semester 2 of year 3. This semester-long (11 weeks) module comprises largely of independent experimental/research work and production of a written dissertation demonstrating in-depth knowledge of research methodology and enquiry through designing and conducting a research project (under the direction of one or more project supervisors) in areas of the science or practice of pharmacy including but not limited to clinical pharmacy, digital pharmacy, drug delivery, pharmaceutical chemistry, microbiology, cell and molecular biology, immunology, pharmacology, data science, pharmacy education and public health.
The aim of this module is to provide the opportunity for students to explore a specific issue of improving the science or practice of pharmacy including health and well-being of the patients through participating in their own enquiry-based research project. The research project maybe completed individually or are completed collaboratively in small groups (4-5 students; students will be responsible for their own area of a larger research project) under the direction of one or more project supervisors (e.g., university academic and external supervisor e.g. a hospital or community pharmacist). The focus of the projects varies but the science or practice of pharmacy remains at the core of all projects. Like in previous modules PMP302 also horizontally spirals up with the 7 subject themes: pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, cellular & molecular biosciences, anatomy & physiology, pharmacology & therapeutics, clinical pharmacy, and pharmacy practice ¿ forming the basis of student research projects with the inclusion of additional themes (where appropriate) for example, data science (prescribing) and pharmacy education.
Where projects are external to the university, they have been pre-agreed between the university and the project placement site. The project may be laboratory or non-laboratory based, but it will always involve a research question that is drawn from the literature and focused on a topic relevant to Pharmacy. It will ask a novel research question and involve the critical analysis of research findings.
Students have dedicated time to spend on their project. This time is allocated to tasks such as project planning, literature review, developing a specific tool/resource, collecting data, analysing data that they collect or that has been collected by others (data science), meeting with supervisors, meeting with wider research team, reflecting on findings and problem-solving. Students will refine their project management, and oral and written communication skills to FHEQ Level 6 through creating a project overview and Gantt chart on scoping the project background, an appropriate PICO based research question, study methodology including research ethics/governance and timeline; and presentation of an academic poster summarising their research at an in-house `MPharm conference¿ and a written dissertation on their research including conclusion and suggested further research. Successful projects will require significant self-directed learning and the ability to work well in a team.
Evidence and Theory Based Education
This module is intended for students undertaking taught courses on the D.Prof and M.Res in Education for Health professions, where it compliments the content of PMRM07 (Critical Appraisal and Evaluation) and PMRM08 (Data Analysis for Health and Medical Sciences). It may also be taken as a standalone course by anyone with an interest in how evidence is generated for educational practice, in the healthcare professions and across Higher Education more widely.
The module will cover the evidence base for many of the common concepts of learning and instruction that are currently in use in the education of healthcare professionals. These will include learning theories, learning styles, feedback, cognitive load theory, small/large group teaching, deep/strategic/surface learning and the educational applications of the neuroscience of learning and memory. These will all be considered in detail, alongside their application to the context of the education of health professionals.
Teaching and Learning for the Health Professions' Educators
This module has been designed to prepare educators from a variety of health professions for a role in teaching, supervising and assessing students and trainees in practice and academic settings. It aims to prepare educators to work within a developmental framework in the context of interprofessional learning and modern day health services. This module will form part of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education for the Health Professions.