The Human Cell
This module aims to give students a broad overview of the structure and function of components of the human body, from cells and their organisation to the function of specialised cells in various organs. The role of the specialised cells will be explored using blood as an example. Students will also obtain an appreciation of the cancer cell proliferation and the various causes of leukaemias.
Introduction to Molecular Biology
This module will provide the learner with an introduction to molecular biology, classification of species and its
applications in medical science. The concept of evolution and sexual reproduction and development will also be
covered, and the processes of inheritance and genetic variation, particularly with regard to evolution and natural
selection. This module will be supported by a practical session and essay with academic support on a topic
relevant to the medical applications of molecular biology.
Skills for Medical Sciences
The aim of this module is to provide the student with basic skills required for laboratory research in the field of applied medical sciences. The module will be both theoretical and applied: the student will be instructed in methods essential for data acquisition and analyses but will also actively participate in the laboratory, using broadly applicable experimental techniques. They will also develop skills that are not experimental techniques themselves,
but are nevertheless fundamental to the scientific process, such as `lab math,¿ sourcing information, referencing, ethics and health and safety.
Sgiliau ar gyfer Gwyddorau Meddygol
Nod y modiwl hwn yw darparu¿r sgiliau sylfaenol sydd eu hangen ar fyfyrwyr ar gyfer ymchwil labordy ym maes y gwyddorau meddygol cymhwysol. Bydd y modiwl yn cynnwys gwaith damcaniaethol a chymhwysol: caiff y myfyriwr ei hyfforddi mewn dulliau sy¿n hanfodol ar gyfer caffael data a¿i ddadansoddi, ond bydd hefyd yn cymryd rhan weithredol yn y labordy, gan ddefnyddio¿n fras y technegau arbrofol perthnasol. Byddant hefyd yn datblygu sgiliau nad ydynt yn dechnegau arbrofol yn eu hunain, ond sydd er hynny, yn sylfaenol i¿r broses wyddonol, megis, 'mathemateg y labordy¿, cyrchu gwybodaeth, cyfeirnodi, moeseg ac iechyd a diogelwch.
This module will help to discover the anatomy of the human body in a systems based approach (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculo-skeletal, respiratory and nervous systems). Anatomy is a fundamental science and supports many areas of biology and medicine. As such, the topics chosen for this module are those most useful to other areas of biological science, with clinical significance. This module will be delivered through lectures and practical classes with demonstrators leading practical and self-studying activities. Support materials and laboratory space for self-directed learning, including prosections, plastic anatomical models, bones and skeletons, and computer based anatomical models will be available.
Academic support and professional development
This is a non-credit bearing module, which aims to provide key academic support to students during their first semester at Swansea University. It will help with the transition into university life and support students to make the most out of their time at university. The module will cover vital academic skills needed to succeed, as well as provide key information around student support, the academic community, maintaining academic integrity, and career planning. The information will complement what is delivered as part of the academic program to support professional and academic development.
Introduction to Toxicology: The Dose Makes the Poison
We are surrounded by substances that may do our bodies harm i.e. poisons. The harm these poisons causes depends on our exposure - the dose. The science of toxicology, a discipline that crosscuts biology, chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine, is based on the principle that the dose makes the poison.
This module will provide you with an introduction to toxicology and how dose-response relationships relate to the physiological effects of toxic substances. You will explore how they produce cellular and chemical changes that cause tissues and organs to malfunction.
You will learn how the structure and function of these tissues can be affected to varying degrees and begin to understand how tissue may repair itself and when the damage is reversible, permanent or fatal.
You will also learn how we use toxic substances to our advantage in both the laboratory and within the clinic.
Human Physiology
Human physiology is the study of how our body works in an integrated way. A central principle of human physiology is homeostasis, the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment. Failure to maintain homeostasis disrupts normal function that may lead to disease (or pathophysiology). Students will be taught the key concepts of homeostasis in the physiological systems of the body, enabling the student to understand the consequences of pathophysiology to human health.
Emphasis will be given to how malfunction of key physiological systems gives rise to disease, using specific examples to enable students to appreciate the relationship between physiology/anatomy and medicine. Fundamental principles of physiology will be illustrated with appropriate clinical examples and during lectures and in practical assignments.
Students will gain practical experience in assessing physiological function during four laboratory-based exercises. The impact of pathophysiology of such systems will be assessed through clinical case studies.
Doctors, patients & the goals of medicine
The educational intention of the module is to allow the student to consider the contemporary practice of Medicine within the United Kingdom. This will include understanding the professional regulation, financial constraints and societal and personal challenges, within which medicine and other healthcare activities are practiced.
Meddygon, Cleifion a Nodau Meddygaeth
Bwriad addysgol y modiwl yw caniatáu i'r myfyriwr ystyried arfer cyfoes Meddygaeth yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys deall y rheoleiddiad proffesiynol, cyfyngiadau ariannol a'r heriau cymdeithasol a phersonol, y mae meddygaeth a gweithgareddau gofal iechyd eraill yn cael eu hymarfer ynddynt.
Should we clone humans? What should we think of the coming genetic revolution? How much control should we have over how and when we die? Is rationing health care good, bad, necessary or all of the above? This module
will explore fundamental ethical issues that arise in medicine, healthcare and the life sciences. Some are as old as
life itself: the vulnerability of illness, the fact of death. Some are new, brought on by a dizzying pace of technology
that can unsettle our core ideas about human nature and our place in the world. Through an analysis of extant
principles, theories and practices, this module aims to develop students' critical awareness of the moral, ethical and legal issues inherent within medicine, healthcare and the life sciences more broadly.
Antimicrobial therapy and resistance
This module will focus on the principles of antimicrobial therapy and development of resistance. This is one of the most important issues facing modern medicine and the module will have a clinical emphasis. The module will provide an understanding of the development, mechanisms and implications of antimicrobial resistance and the principles of appropriate prescribing and antibiotic stewardship, with particular reference to current UK clinical practice. Resistance in bacteria (including mycobacteria) and viruses will be covered. Clinical Case Studies will be used to teach relevant test interpretation.
Therapi ac Ymwrthedd Gwrthficrobaidd
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn canolbwyntio ar egwyddorion therapi gwrthficrobaidd a datblygiad ymwrthedd. Dyma un o'r problemau pwysicaf sy'n wynebu meddygaeth fodern a bydd pwyslais clinigol gan y modiwl. Bydd y modiwl yn darparu dealltwriaeth o ddatblygiad, mecanweithiau a goblygiadau ymwrthedd gwrthficrobaidd ac egwyddorion rhagnodi a stiwardiaeth gwrthfiotigau priodol, gan roi sylw penodol i ymarfer clinigol cyfredol yn y DU. Bydd yn cynnwys ymwrthedd ymysg bacteria (gan gynnwys mycobacteria) a firysau. Defnyddir Astudiaethau Achos Clinigol i addysgu ffyrdd perthnasol o ddehongli profion.
Being a Medical Scientist
Much of a scientist¿s career is spent writing and speaking about science. The aim of this module is to give students a higher level experience of what being a lead researcher is like, away from the lab bench. Drawing on core knowledge from other modules, students will refine their oral and written communication and learn what leadership skills are needed to succeed in modern science. They will also be challenged to consider ethical aspects of research, including new technologies and the use of animal and human subjects. The module will be highly interactive, taught using informal lectures interspersed with students working in groups.
Advances in Pharmacology
Pharmacology is the science of how drugs act on the body and how the body acts on drugs.
Pharmacology investigates the chemical and physical properties of drugs, how those properties confer actions on living tissues and how those actions affect health and disease. In this module, students will build upon their previous pharmacology knowledge and look more in depth at how the body interacts with drugs (pharmacokinetics) and how the drug interacts with the body (pharmacodynamics).
In this module, students will study the drugs and therapeutics currently used in clinical practise and the underlying mechanisms of action of these drugs. Students will learn about the beneficial, therapeutic effects of drugs, but also some negative consequences of drug administration, such as toxicity, addiction and microbial drug-resistance. Additionally, students will learn about the cutting-edge therapies currently in development for treating disease.
Capstone Project
The aim of this module is to provide a capstone experience to students¿ learning, through participating in their own enquiry-based research project, with guidance from an academic supervisor. The project may be laboratory or non-laboratory based, but it will always involve a research question that is drawn from the literature, and focused on a topic relevant to the life sciences. It will ask a research question and involve the critical analysis of research findings. Students will refine their oral and written communication skills to a graduate level through an oral presentation and dissertation on their research findings and conclusions.
Prosiect Capfaen
Nod y modiwl hwn yw rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr gael profiad dysgu capfaen drwy gymryd rhan yn eu prosiect eu hunain yn seiliedig ar gwestiwn ymchwil. Gall y prosiect fod mewn labordy neu heb fod yn labordy ond bydd bob amser yn cynnwys cwestiwn ymchwil sy'n deillio o'r llenyddiaeth, ac sy'n canolbwyntio ar bwnc perthnasol i wyddor feddygol. Bydd yn gofyn cwestiwn ymchwil newydd ac yn cynnwys dadansoddiad beirniadol o ganfyddiadau ymchwil. Bydd myfyrwyr yn mireinio eu sgiliau cyfathrebu llafar ac ysgrifenedig i lefel raddedig, drwy lunio cyflwyniad rhagarweiniol ar gefndir y prosiect, ynghyd â thraethawd estynedig a chyflwyniad llafar ar ganfyddiadau eu hymchwil.
Drug Development and Regulation
This is an applications and project management driven module designed to provide the student with an introduction to drug development and the key role of separation science and mass spectrometry within the pharmaceutical industry. This module will introduce Good Laboratory, Clinical and Manufacturing Practice (GLP, GCP, GMP), assay validation (as requested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)), the need and implementation of SOPs with particular focus on the pharmaceutical and medical industries, and how these correlate with stringent quality control procedures and health and safety existing due to current legislation. The ethical principles of research, including clinical trials and animal research (design, implementation and reporting) will be outlined, as well as the essential nature of the principles of reduction, refinement and replacement for the use of animals in research. Students will also be able to characterize and map the path of a drug from administration, to metabolism and elimination, for critical evaluation of drug design.
Pharmacogenomics & Stratified Healthcare
Pharmacogenomics and stratified health care ensure that healthcare professionals offer the right treatment, for the right person, at the right time is a fast-developing area.
`Personalised medicine¿ is the buzzword of the moment, with advances in pharmacogenomic testing enabling more effective, targeted therapies to patients in the field of asthma, analgesia, oncology and beyond. Continued understanding of the genomic basis of drug response will reduce drug-related adverse effects, save costs, and ensure a better therapeutic outcome.
This module will provide a comprehensive overview of the analytical strategies and techniques used in pharmacogenomics and explore some of the challenges and limitations in this field. The module will also provide an overview of the different type of pharmacogenomic biomarkers currently in use or emerging and the current feasibility of delivering `personalised medicine¿ in the clinic.