The Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Research (MEMO) brings together scholars at Swansea University working in the fields of literature, history, European languages, and classical studies, covering the period approximately 300 to 1800 CE.

Welcome to the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Research
Professor Daniel Power research concerns the history of France and the British Isles in the Central Middle Ages (especially the Anglo-Norman realm, the Angevin Empire, and Capetian France), and medieval frontier societies. His earlier publications include The Norman Frontier in the Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Centuries (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004).
Professor Daniel Power
Dr Emma Cavell is a specialist in the social history of Britain, especially England and Wales, during the central Middle Ages (c. 1000-1300). Dr Cavell is particularly fascinated by the intersections of gender, locality and class attendant upon the actions and experiences of the female members of the greater Marcher families before the conquest of Wales in 1282, and by the experiences of Jewish women litigants in medieval England before the Expulsion (1290).
Dr Emma Cavell
Academic Publications

PhD students that have participated in MEMO:

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Awards and Grants

Simon John: Funded four-month fellowship at Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies, Universität Heidelberg, awarded December 2021. |
Simon John: British Academy/Leverhulme, Small Research Grant, awarded in conjunction with the Elizabeth Barker fund, for the project ‘Contested Pasts: public monuments and historical culture in Western Europe, 1815-1930’ in 2019-21. |
Matthew Stevens: ‘Ethnicity, law, urban development and identity: a comparative study of medieval Wales and Prussia’; National Agency for Academic Exchange, Poland (Narodow Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej). 2019 – 2021 This is a prestigious Ulam Fellowship, from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, based at Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń. £49,400. |