Events and Booking

Throughout the duration of the festival we also have FREE drop-in (no need to book) creative stations between 12pm and 3pm. Families will be able to take part in colouring, story writing, bookmark making, drawing and face painting! There will also be a 'Wizard of Oz trail!'
Saturday 7th October
Warehouse Gallery
10:00am-10:45am | 'The Tigers' Tale' - Catherine Barr | (Age Range: 6+)
10:00am-10:45am - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: Perfect for children aged 6+
Join Catherine Barr as she takes you through the incredible true stories of the tigers of the Panna Tiger Reserve.
After campaigning with Greenpeace for years, Catherine trained as a journalist and became an editor at the Natural History Museum. Catherine writes non-fiction books that aim to inspire children to explore, understand and take action to protect the natural world. Catherine has now written over 35 books. She is a proud Patron of Reading for a local school and visits schools all over the country to run workshops inspired by the issues explored in her books.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
11:15am-12:00pm | 'Daydreams and Jellybeans' with Alex Wharton | (Age Range: Primary School Children)
11:15am-12:00pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: Perfect for primary school age children
Get ready for a fun morning of poetry about forgotten jellybeans and sparking daydreams with Children’s Laureate for Wales, Alex Wharton.
From the out-of-this-world ‘Star Control' to the hilarious 'Hector the Horrible Hedgehog', Daydreams and Jellybeans has poems for everyone.
Perfect for giggling quietly (or loudly) to yourself, for performing to your friends and family, or to spark your own creativity.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
12:30pm-1:15pm | 'Britain’s Smartest Kid...On Ice!' & 'Britain’s Biggest Star...Is Dad?' – Ivor Baddiel | (Age Range: 8-12)

12:30pm-1:15pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: 8-12 years
Prepare for lots of fun, laughs, mystery and adventure with comedy writer for TV and radio, Ivor Baddiel - someone who really knows backstage life on Britain’s favourite talent shows!
Young Marsham needs to survive a TV show competition where they don't just test trivia knowledge, they test everything...
And someone is threatening to destroy Britain’s Biggest New Star, the country’s favourite TV talent show!
*Please note: Event delivered in English
1:45pm-2:30pm | 'The Magician's Daughter' - Caryl Lewis | (Age Range: 8-12)

1:45pm-2:30pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: 8-12 years
Get ready for some magic, spells and lots of fun with award-winning author of Seed Caryl Lewis, who will be talking all about her brand-new book The Magician's Daughter which celebrates the power of community, hope and a sprinkle of magic.
Meet Abby and her dad who after one hilarious, disastrous magic show too many, decide it’s time to give up showbiz. Until the day Abby finds a mysterious, dusty old book of spells among her mum's things. Mum had always been the dazzling magician and as Abby practises, each new spell starts to bring wonder and joy to the whole community. Nothing lasts forever, though, and after each public performance another spell vanishes from the book. So before the magic disappears forever, Abby and Dad plan one final, spectacular, impossible show...
Join Caryl as she introduces us to Abby and her dad, discusses how she came up with this heartwarming story and reminds us all about the importance of magic.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
3:00pm-3:45pm | 'The Blue Book of Nebo' - Manon Steffan Ros | (Age Range: 12+)

3:00pm-3:45pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: 12+ years
Winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal for Writing 2023
Dylan was six when The End came, back in 2018; when the electricity went off for good, and the ‘normal’ 21st-century world he knew disappeared. Now he’s 14 and he and his mam have survived in their isolated hilltop house above the village of Nebo in north-west Wales, learning new skills, and returning to old ways of living. Despite their close understanding, the relationship between mother and son changes subtly as Dylan must take on adult responsibilities. And they each have their own secrets, which emerge as, in turn, they jot down their thoughts and memories in a found notebook – the Blue Book of Nebo.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
4:15pm-5:00pm | 'The Dark & Dangerous Gifts of Delores Mackenzie'; 'The Shadow Order'; 'Honesty & Lies' - meet Yvonne Banham, Rebecca F. John & Eloise Williams | (Age Range 10-14)

4:15pm-5:00pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: 10-14 years
Join Yvonne, Rebecca and Eloise as they share stories about friendship, secrets and mysterious goings-on, about characters trying to save themselves and others.
Can Delores MacKenzie really push back the dead?
Can best friends Teddy, Betsy and Effie save the city of Copperwell and uncover the truth?
Can Honesty and Alice trust each other in a vengeful, dangerous world?
*Please note: Event delivered in English
Ocean Room
10:00am-10:45am | 'Tapper Watson' and 'Sleeping Stones' - meet Claire Fayers and Beatrice Wallbank! | (Age Range: 9-12)

10:00am-10:45am - Ocean Room
Age Range: 9-12 years
Are you ready for some adventure? Come and meet Claire Fayers and Beatrice Wallbank as they delve into worlds of myth, magic and the extraordinary. They'll introduce you to Gruff, Matylda, Tapper Watson and some lobster mobsters!
Claire Fayers is the author of Tapper Watson and the Quest for the Nemo Machine, a mash-up of Greek myth and science fiction where Swansea is the capital of Earth!
In The Sleeping Stones by Beatrice Wallbank, Gruff and his new friend Matylda live on a small island off the Welsh coast, where legends are beginning to stir and a storm is driven by an ancient, magic anger.
Chaired by Rebecca F. John
*Please note: Event delivered in English
11:15am-12:00pm | Writing Workshop with award-winning author Liz Hyder | (Age Range: 10-12)

11:15am-12:00pm - Ocean Room
Age Range: 10-12 years
Writing Workshop with award-winning author Liz Hyder
Winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Older Fiction Award 2020 for Bearmouth
*Please note: Event delivered in English
12:30pm-1:15pm | 'The Dog Squad' – Clara Vulliamy | (Age Range: 7-11)

12:30pm-1:15pm - Ocean Room
Age Range: 7-11 years
Join celebrated author Clara Vulliamy as she introduces Eva, Simone and Ash: best friends, budding reporters, and the stars of a delightful new book series about family, friends, and DOGS! In this paw-some event, Clara will introduce the role of the author-illustrator and encourage children to believe this is something they can aspire to - with a fantastically fun read-along and draw-along from The Dog Squad: The Newshound. Plus, get your thinking hats on as Clara helps you create your OWN newspaper, and even learn how to solve a mystery! Clara is also the author of the much-loved MARSHMALLOW PIE and DOTTY DETECTIVE books.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
1:45yp-2:30yp | Chwedlau Gyda Bardd Plant Cymru, Nia Morais | (Ystod Oedran: 7-11)

1:45yp-2:30yp - Ystafell y Môr
Ystod oedran: 7-11 oed
Yn y sesiwn hon, bydd Bardd Plant Cymru, Nia Morais, yn darllen straeon Cymraeg a ysgrifennwyd ganddi ar y cyd â'r platfform llythrennedd digidol Darllen Co. Mae'r straeon byrion difyr hyn ar gyfer plant 7 i 11 oed a byddan nhw'n trafod caredigrwydd, cydweithredu, chwilfrydedd a chynwysoldeb. Am ragor o wybodaeth am Nia, ewch i wefan Llenyddiaeth Cymru. Am fwy o wybodaeth am nodau Darllen Co, ewch i
*Sylwer: Digwyddiad yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Gymraeg
3:00pm-3:45pm | 'Bees, snaffles and flamingos': Storytelling, Rhymes and Drawing with Helen and Thomas Docherty | (Age Range: 3-10)

3:00pm-3:45pm - Ocean Room
Age range: 3-10 years
Come and have some fun with Helen and Thomas Docherty as they introduce you to screen-snacking snaffles, word-loving bees, a city of wild animals and maybe someone just like you! Get ready to join in and help Helen and Thomas rhyme and draw!
*Please note: Event delivered in English
4:15yp-5:00yp | 'Y Boced Wag': Beth Sy'n Eich Gwneud Chi'n Hapus? Adrodd Storïau, Ysgrifennu ac Arlunio gydag Eurgain Haf | (Ystod Oedran: 3-7)

4:15yp-5:00yp - Ystafell y Môr
Ystod oedran: 3-7 mlynedd
Mae Cadi'r cangarw yn teimlo'n drist. Mae ei phoced yn wag ac mae eisiau ei llenwi. I ffwrdd â hi felly ar antur fawr i chwilio am ei hapusrwydd gan ddod ar draws anifeiliaid sydd eisiau ei helpu a'i thwyllo...
*Sylwer: Digwyddiad yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Gymraeg
Waterfront Workshop
10:00am-10:45am | Find your hidden power with Fidelma Meehan! (Drop-in Session) | (Age Range 10+)

10:00am-10:45am - Waterfront Workshop
How can you create change and a better world for all? Come along to this interactive storytelling session and discussion to discover your hidden power! Inspired by the life of Eglantyne Jebb, co-founder of Save the Children, along with her sister Dorothy Buxton.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
11:15am-12:00pm | 'Through the Eyes of Me' & 'Through the Eyes of Us:' Storytelling with Jon Roberts | (Age Range: 4-7)

11:15am-12:00pm - Waterfront Workshop
Age range: 4-7 years
Come along and meet Kya and her best friend Martha. Discover why Kya and Martha do certain things, don’t like some things, and really, really love other things.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
12:30pm-1:15pm | Storytelling, Drawing and Crafts with Lauren Ace and Jenny Løvlie | (Age Range: Families and children up to 8 years)

12:30pm-1:15pm - Waterfront Workshop
Age Range: Families and children up to 8 years
Come along to an exciting event all about friendship with writer Lauren Ace and illustrator Jenny Løvlie. With stories from their books The Girls and The Boys, and a chance to make your own friendship cards and friendship bracelets, there will be lots of fun for all the family!
In The Girls, four little girls meet under an apple tree and form a bond that grows as they share secrets, dreams, worries and schemes.
In The Boys, follow the adventures of Tam, Rey, Nattie and Bobby - four boys who share a friendship that will last a lifetime.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
1:45pm-2:30pm | Find your hidden power with Fidelma Meehan! (Drop-in Session) | (Age Range: 10+)

1:45pm-2:30pm - Waterfront Workshop
How can you create change and a better world for all? Come along to this interactive storytelling session and discussion to discover your hidden power! Inspired by the life of Eglantyne Jebb, co-founder of Save the Children, along with her sister Dorothy Buxton.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
3:00yp-3:45yp | 'Cyfrinach Noswyl Nadolig' - Cyfrinachau Arbennig a Charedigrwydd gydag Eurgain Haf | (Ystod Oedran: 7-11)
3:00yp-3:45yp - Gweithdy Glannau
Ystod oedran: 7-11 oed
Dyma stori Nadoligaidd hyfryd sy'n sôn am gyfrinach. Wyddoch chi fod yr anifeiliaid i gyd yn gallu siarad ar Noswyl Nadolig? Maen nhw'n helpu ffoadur amddifad i ddod o hyd i gartref ym Methlehem, Cymru. Stori gyfoes a pherthnasol, ac iddi wers bwysig, sef sut i fod yn garedig tuag at bawb, o bob cefndir a hil.
*Sylwer: Digwyddiad yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Gymraeg
4:15yp-5:00yp | 'Llyfr Glas Nebo' - Manon Steffan Ros | (Ystod Oedran: 12+)

4:15yp-5:00yp - Gweithdy Glannau
Ystod Oedran: 12+ oed
Enillodd y cyfieithiad Saesneg, The Blue Book of Nebo, Fedal Yoto Carnegie am Ysgrifennu 2023
Roedd Siôn yn chwech oed pan ddaeth Y Terfyn, nôl yn 2018; pan ddiffoddwyd y trydan am byth, a phan ddiflannodd byd ‘normal’ cyfarwydd yr 21ain ganrif. Bellach mae’n 14 oed ac mae ef a’i fam wedi goroesi yn eu tŷ anghysbell ar ben bryn uwchben pentref Nebo yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru, gan ddysgu sgiliau newydd, a dychwelyd i hen ffyrdd o fyw. Er gwaethaf eu cysylltiad clos, mae’r berthynas rhwng y fam a’r mab yn newid yn gynnil wrth i Siôn orfod ysgwyddo cyfrifoldebau oedolyn. Mae gan bob un ohonyn nhw eu cyfrinachau eu hunain, sy’n dod i’r amlwg wrth iddyn nhw gofnodi eu meddyliau a’u hatgofion mewn llyfr nodiadau a ganfuwyd – Llyfr Glas Nebo.
*Sylwer: Cyflwynwyd y digwyddiad yn Gymraeg
1:00pm-3:00pm | 'Teen Hub' (Schools Event) - 'Writing short fiction' with Laura Morris and Brennig Davies | (Age Range: 14-18 years)

1:00pm-3:00pm - SCHOOLS EVENT - Dockside Room
Age Range: 14-18 years
Join award-winning Welsh short story writers Laura Morris and Brennig Davies for an afternoon dedicated to writing short stories. Laura and Brennig will share their top tips and some of their own stories before guiding you through a first draft of your own. There will be a chance to submit your story after the workshop for online publication.
If you are an interested teacher, please email: to book places for your students. Limited places available
*Please note: Event delivered in English
12:00pm-2:00pm | Storyopolis Saturday Club - (Drop-in Session) Zine Workshop with artist Bill Taylor-Beales | (Age Range 8-16)

Storyopolis Saturday Club - (Drop-in Session) Zine Workshop with artist Bill Taylor-Beales
FREE and ALL Materials supplied.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
Sunday 8th October
Warehouse Gallery
10:00am-10:45am | 'The Star Whale': Poems, Stories and Live Drawing with Nicola Davies and Petr Horáček | (Age Range: 7+)
10:00am-10:45am - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: 7+
Come and join international award winners, writer Nicola Davies and illustrator Petr Horáček, and find out about the magic and wonder of the animals and creatures in The Star Whale.
Discover a pangolin at dusk, fly on the bat's back, visit a lion and hear about his plight; try the moth alphabet tongue-twister, meet fighting Tazzies on a night out in Tasmania or dream about the five-legged dog and three-legged cat! Then find out about real, huge Titanosaurus and amazing Coelacanths. You might spot a kingfisher, that 'small glint of wonder', and see how 'wild reclaims the world' in the urban night-time.
Set your heart free and flying and watch Petr re-create the illustrations live!
*Please note: Event delivered in English
11:15am-12:00pm | 'Where the River Takes Us' - Lesley Parr | (Age Range: 9+)
11:15am-12:00pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: Perfect for children aged 9+
Where the River Takes Us is a historical adventure set in the 1970s against a backdrop of the miners' strikes, from the bestselling author of The Valley of Lost Secrets, perfect for fans of Emma Carroll, Phil Earle and Michael Morpurgo. With echoes of Stand By Me, this thrilling middle-grade adventure gives us the most exquisite characterisation and a page-turning plot with relatable themes, making this utterly timeless and one of the finest historical fiction stories in the market today. 2023 Wales Book of the Year children and young people award winner, Lesley Parr, shares in an assembly format the inspiration behind the story, how she formed her characters and what it was like to send them on their journey to search for a mysterious wild cat – the Beast of Blaengarw!
*Please note: Event delivered in English
12:30pm-1:15pm | 'Finding Bear' - Hannah Gold | (Age Range: 9+)
12:30pm-1:15pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: Perfect for children aged 9+
Join bestselling author Hannah Gold, in conversation with Elaine Canning, on a thrilling arctic adventure as she introduces you to her brand new book, Finding Bear, the highly anticipated sequel to the multi-award winning The Last Bear (Winner of the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize 2022 and Blue Peter Book Award 2022).
Pull on your rainbow snowboots and travel across icy glaciers, cross dangerous fjords, take a husky ride, be dazzled by the northern lights and best of all, come face to face with the most adorable tiny polar bear cub.
This event is perfect for animal lovers and is guaranteed to leave you inspired. The only question is . . . are you ready to find Bear?
*Please note: Event delivered in English
1:45pm-2:30pm | 'The Raven Throne' & 'Fablehouse': Stephanie Burgis & E.L. Norry | (Age Range: 8+)
1:45pm-2:30pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: Perfect for children aged 8+
Join two incredible middle grade fantasy authors, Stephanie Burgis and E L Norry, as they discuss all things magical and wonderful in this not-to-be-missed panel. Travel through the magical worlds of The Raven Throne and Fablehouse, and discover more about the magical places beyond.
Stephanie Burgis lives in Wales with her husband, their two sons and their tabby cat, surrounded by mountains and castles. She writes fun MG fantasy adventures, most recently the Dragon with a Chocolate Heart trilogy and The Raven Heir. E L Norry has a BA (Hons) in Film and an MA in Screenwriting. She grew up in the care system in Cardiff, but now lives and works in Bournemouth with her husband and family. Emma’s previous books include Son of the Circus (Scholastic, 2019), which was shortlisted for the Diverse Book Awards, and Amber Under Cover (OUP, 2021).
*Please note: Event delivered in English
3:00pm-3:45pm | 'Do Bears Poop in the Woods?' - Huw Lewis-Jones | (Age Range: 6+)
3:00pm-3:45pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: 6+
Do you know your panda from your polar bear? Or can you spot the difference between a sun bear and a sloth bear?
Bears are familiar to us all, but behind their big, grizzly image are wild animals who really need our help. So grab your binoculars and get ready to learn some amazing animal facts with real-life explorer Huw Lewis-Jones as we look at the eight incredible bear species, and more! You'll discover why bears poop so much and what we can do to protect them. There'll be lots of fun, polar bear spotting, and a really wild quiz about all the 'bear' necessities!
*Please note: Event delivered in English
4:15pm-5:00pm | 'The Last Firefox' & 'The First Shadowdragon' – Lee Newbery | (Age Range: 8+)
4:15pm-5:00pm - Warehouse Gallery
Age Range: 8+
Join Lee Newbery as he introduces his heart-warming, magical novel The Last Firefox and its sequel The First Shadowdragon. Explore Lee’s writing journey and inspiration, before designing your own magical creature in a Pokémon card activity and taking part in a Welsh animal words quiz! Lee’s event will also offer a sensitive introduction to adoption for children in the audience and celebrate all the different types of families in the world.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
Ocean Room
10:00am-10:45am | 'Scareground': Spooky Stories and Fun at the Fair with Angela Kecojevic | (Age Range: 8-10)

10:00am-10:45am - Ocean Room
Age Range: 8-10 years
Join author Angela Kecojevic for a writing class on creating spooky stories. Children will learn how to create a spooky setting and invent fascinating characters. They can even illustrate their work! Children can ask questions and also enjoy a reading from Angela's new novel, Scareground.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
11:15am-12:00pm | 'Drew, Moo and Bunny, too' - Owen Sheers | (Age Range: 6-9)

11:15am-12:00pm - Ocean Room
Age Range: 6-9 years
Do you love magical adventures and fun activities? Come along and meet poet Owen Sheers and hear about three best friends and their travels around the world!
Drew, Bunny and Moo fly around the world on a magic rug, powered by the friendship they share. Along the way, they run into pirates and trouble on the dark sea. Can the three best friends find what they need to return home?
*Please note: Event delivered in English
12:30pm-1:15pm | Monster Max with Robin Bennett | (Age Range: 6-9)

12:30pm-1:15pm - Ocean Room
Age Range: 6-9 years
Just imagine ... an ordinary boy who can change into a huge hairy monster by BURPING!
Come and meet Monster Max who wants to protect and do good stuff. You'll also discover a marmalade ghost, a cat called Frankenstein, wolves, and even a POOP machine!
*Please note: Event delivered in English
1:45pm-2:30pm | 'The Panda's Child': Cathy Fisher chats to Nicola Davies | (Age Range: Families and 5+)

1:45pm-2:30pm - Ocean Room
Age Range: Families and 5 years+ welcome
In a faraway forest a baby is lost and found, protected by a she-panda.
Nine years later another baby, the panda's child, is in great danger, and only a boy and the spirit of the forest can save him.
Come and meet award-winning illustrator Cathy Fisher and see the beautiful drawings she has made for this magical, powerful story.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
3:00pm-3:45pm | 'Feast of Ashes' - Victoria Williamson | (Age Range: 13+)

3:00pm-3:45pm - Ocean Room
Age Range: 13+
Award-winning author Victoria Williamson brings her brand new novel Feast of Ashes to Swansea!
Feast of Ashes is an action-packed young adult dystopian eco-thriller. Set in East Africa, it's the year 2123, and sixteen-year-old Adina has just killed nearly every person she knows. All fourteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-six of them.
With a strong environmental theme, and warnings on the dangers of corporate takeover, Feast of Ashes is action-packed and takes a deep look at family, friendship, romance and sacrifice.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
4:15pm-5:00pm | 'Digging for Victory' & 'The Red Gloves' - meet Cathy Faulkner and Catherine Fisher | (Age Range: 9+)

4:15pm-5:00pm - Ocean Room
Age Range: 9+
Come along and meet two wonderful writers of mystery, history and magic!
Cathy Faulkner's Digging for Victory is set in Devon in 1941 and tells the story of twelve-year-old Bonnie Roberts who is desperate to play a valuable part in the war effort. Catherine Fisher's The Red Gloves and Other Stories is a spooky collection of strange and eerie tales based on Welsh legends, including ghosts, a murderous pair of gloves, and the dangers of stepping off the Silver Road…
In conversation, Cathy and Catherine talk about heroism and discovery, as well as spooks, spells and swapping lives.
Chaired by Alan Bilton
*Please note: Event delivered in English
Waterfront Workshop
10:00am-10:45am | Writing Workshop with award-winning authors Liz Hyder and Rebecca F. John | (Age Range: 10-14)

10:00am-10:45pm - Waterfront Workshop
Age Range: 10-14 years
Writing Workshop with award-winning authors Liz Hyder and Rebecca F. John
*Please note: Event delivered in English
11:15yb-12:00yp | ‘Cyfres Sw Sara Mai’ gan Casia Wiliam | (Ystod Oedran: 8-12)

11:15yb-12:00yp - Gweithdy Glannau
Ystod Oedran: 8-12 oed
Wedi cyhoeddi dau lyfr a thrydydd ar ddod, mae straeon Sw Sara Mai yn dilyn Sara Mai, sy'n 9 oed ac sy'n byw mewn sŵ gyda'i rhieni a'i brawd mawr Seb. Mae Sara yn dwlu ar anifeiliaid, o lewod i sebras i wombatiaid a mwydod, ac mae hi'n gwybod llawer amdanynt hefyd. A dweud y gwir, mae'n well ganddi anifeiliaid na phobl yn aml! O drafferthion yn yr ysgol i neidr a ddygwyd a'r antur ddiweddaraf lle mae dosbarth cyfan Sara Mai ar daith ysgol i fferm am y penwythnos, mae cyfres Sara Mai yn fywiog, yn hwyl ac yn hawdd i blant o 8 oed ei darllen.
*Sylwer: Digwyddiad yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Gymraeg
12:30pm-1:15pm | Storytelling, Drawing and Crafts with Lauren Ace and Jenny Løvlie | (Age Range: Families and children up to 8 years)

12:30am-1:15pm - Waterfront Workshop
Age Range: Families and children up to 8 years
Come along to an exciting event all about friendship with writer Lauren Ace and illustrator Jenny Løvlie. With stories from their books The Girls and The Boys, and a chance to make your own friendship cards and friendship bracelets, there will be lots of fun for all the family!
In The Girls, four little girls meet under an apple tree and form a bond that grows as they share secrets, dreams, worries and schemes.
In The Boys, follow the adventures of Tam, Rey, Nattie and Bobby - four boys who share a friendship that will last a lifetime.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
1:45yb-2:30yp | ‘Cyfres Sw Sara Mai’ gan Casia Wiliam | (Ystod Oedran: 8-12)

1:45yb-2:30yp - Gweithdy Glannau
Ystod Oedran: 8-12 oed
Wedi cyhoeddi dau lyfr a thrydydd ar ddod, mae straeon Sw Sara Mai yn dilyn Sara Mai, sy'n 9 oed ac sy'n byw mewn sŵ gyda'i rhieni a'i brawd mawr Seb. Mae Sara yn dwlu ar anifeiliaid, o lewod i sebras i wombatiaid a mwydod, ac mae hi'n gwybod llawer amdanynt hefyd. A dweud y gwir, mae'n well ganddi anifeiliaid na phobl yn aml! O drafferthion yn yr ysgol i neidr a ddygwyd a'r antur ddiweddaraf lle mae dosbarth cyfan Sara Mai ar daith ysgol i fferm am y penwythnos, mae cyfres Sara Mai yn fywiog, yn hwyl ac yn hawdd i blant o 8 oed ei darllen.
*Sylwer: Digwyddiad yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Gymraeg
Free return transport to the festival will be available from specific pick-up points on a first come, first served basis. Download the bus route timetable here: Bus Route Timetable - Children's Literature Festival 2023
In addition, we have a number of transport grants available on a first come, first served basis for schools, community centres and other organisations working with children and young people.