Elizabeth Amy Dillwyn (1845-1935)
Amy Dillwyn was a radical novelist, feminist campaigner and early female industrialist. She was the author of six novels, a regular reviewer for The Spectator and contributor to the The Red Dragon. She published a few short stories and poems, as well as some early allegories for the SPCK. Three of her novels have been reissued by Honno Classics: The Rebecca Rioter, A Burglary and Jill.
Two articles written by Professor Kirsti Bohata for The Western Mail's Women's History Month (2017) and Diva magazine cover Dillwyn's public achievements and her contribution to lesbian literary history.
Her importance as an early businesswoman is recognised in a blog published by Companies House where she registered her Spelter Works, Dillwyn & Co, in 1902. The blog can be read here: https://companieshouse.blog.gov.uk/2018/02/14/amy-dillwyn-lgbt-history-month/
See also the bibliography of works about Amy Dillwyn and the wider Dillwyn dynasty.