Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea ~ Saturday, November 6th, 2010
A one-day conference arranged by CREW (Centre for the Research into the English Literature and Language of Wales), Swansea University with the R.S. Thomas Centre, Bangor University.
The conference is part of this year's Dylan Thomas Festival.
9.15 Daniel Williams. Opening remarks.
Morning: New Directions in R. S. Thomas Criticism
9.30 – 10.30
Tony Brown, Bangor University
The Unpublished R.S. Thomas: The Bangor Archive
Rhian Bubear, Swansea University
The Echoes Return Slow: R.S. Thomas' 'song of himself’
10. 30 – 11.00. Coffee
11.00 – 1.00.
Damian Walford Davies, Aberystwyth University
R. S. Thomas and W. B. Yeats
M. Wynn Thomas, Swansea Univeristy
‘The Fantastic Side of God’: R. S. Thomas and Jorge Luis Borges.
1.00 – 2.00 Lunch.
Afternoon: R. S. Thomas Beyond Literature
2.00 – 3.00
Christine Kinsey.
R.S. Thomas: Traversing the Gap between the Word and the Image
3.00 – 4.00
Kieron Smith introduces John Ormond’s ‘R S Thomas, priest and poet’.
Followed by a showing of the film.
4.00 – 4.30. Coffee
4.30 – 5.30.
Pwyll ap Sion and Menna Elfyn.
Writing with R.S. Thomas – poetry and music in Emyn i Gymro / Hymn to a Welshman
Book Launch (free event):
6.00. M Wynn Thomas.
Launch of the volume In the Shadow of the Pulpit on Nonconformity and Welsh Writing in English. A new monograph in the CREW series Writing Wales in English. Sponsored by University of Wales Press.
Evening event.
This is included within the conference fee.
Tony Brown in Conversation with Gwydion Thomas.
Conference Fee: £20. This includes tea and coffee but no lunch. Food will be available at the Dylan Thomas Centre.
The Book Launch at 6pm is free and open to the public.
Evening event only: Full. £6. Concessions: £4.20. Passport for Leisure: £2.40.
Those who have paid for the conference do not need to pay for the evening event.
Tickets to be booked at the Dylan Thomas Centre.
0792 463980
Arranged by Daniel Williams, CREW, Swansea University (daniel.g.williams@swansea.ac.uk)