Training is provided at both University and College levels. The list below outlines training offered by the College of Arts and Humanities.
This complements the training which the University Postgraduate Research Office provides.
Additional College workshops will be advertised via email and these pages.
Research Management System (RMS) Training
Thursday 23 January 2020, 3pm-4pm, Haldane Building, Room 14 (PC Lab), Singleton Campus
Co-ordinator: Gary Jones, Academic Data Systems Manager, Academic Services
Conferences: From Abstract to Paper
Thursday 30 January 2020, 10am-12 noon, Mall Room, Taliesin Create, Singleton Campus
Co-ordinator: Dr Eve Benhamou
Participating in conferences is a key step for a PGR student: it is an opportunity to present your research, try out new ideas and receive insightful feedback from peers in your field, while starting to build an academic network. This workshop will cover the key stages of this process, from writing a strong abstract to presenting a paper and making the most of the event on the day.
Please bring with you at least one conference abstract you wrote or are working on (and corresponding call for papers) to use as a case study and/or receive feedback.
Keeping Abreast of the Field
Wednesday 12 February 2020, 1pm-3pm, Room 113, James Callaghan Building, Singleton Campus
Co-ordinator: Dr Adam Mosley
A common early stage in many research degrees is the literature review. But even if a review of the existing literature is completed perfectly at the start of your programme, relevant scholarship will continue to be produced throughout the period you are working on your thesis. This workshop will introduce a range of strategies for keeping on top of the work being done in your field, from basic bibliographic housekeeping to subscription to publishers’ alerts and use of social media.
Writing Your First Book Review for Publication
Starting Tuesday 5 February 2019 for 11 weeks, 4pm – 6pm, Keir Hardie 220
Co-ordinator: Mel Kohlke. Since there are only a limited number of spaces available please contact Liz Whitwell if you are interested.
Turning Your Passion into Business
Wednesday 19 February 2020, 4pm-5pm, Mall Room, Taliesin Create, Singleton Campus
Co-ordinator: Professor Julian Preece
As you are progressing with your PhD, some of you may be thinking about future publication plans. As a rule it is better to concentrate first on your doctorate than get distracted by what comes next, but one good place to start when it comes to publication is with the book review. Reviewing new books in your field can be combined with working on your doctorate. There are many other advantages. Book reviews are short (usually 500-800 words), they appear in refereed journals, you get to keep the book you review (which may cost up to £100 to buy), and you gain a close understanding of a book on a topic close to your PhD. This should enhance the overall intellectual quality of your argument in a key chapter or section. You also chalk up a publication for your CV and receive an electronic off-print which you can circulate on your networks and to your friends and colleagues. The session will give you some ideas for how to get started. We will take a close look at a selection of recent reviews and discuss reviewing strategies and techniques as well as choosing target journals.
Becoming a Professional Translator
Wednesday 4 March 2020, 2pm-4.30pm, James Callaghan Building, Room B-04, Singleton Campus
Co-ordinators: Silke Luehrmann and Dr Katharina Hall
Managing Workloads and Organising Research
Friday 6 March 2020, 10am-11.30am, Studio, Taliesin Create, Singleton Campus
Co-ordinator: Dr Dennis Schmidt
For many of us, stress has been an inescapable part of a PhD. Attending conferences, publishing papers, conducting fieldwork – requirements can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce stress levels. This workshop is about managing the complex demands of a PhD through organising workloads, schedules and preferences, while keeping a healthy work-life balance. We will consider the different demands the PhD places on students, and how managing workloads can be best adapted to individual circumstances.
A Layperson’s Introduction to Digital Humanities
Friday 20 March 2020, 1pm-3pm, Room 431, Keir Hardie Building, Singleton Campus
Co-ordinator: Dr Adam Mosley
What can the techniques of the digital humanities do? Knowing the answer to that question may be important for scholars who are not digital humanists, if it turns out that digital humanists can do some things that traditional scholarly techniques cannot, or can do some things better or faster. This workshop will introduce some of the work currently being undertaken in the digital humanities, with a view to providing research students who do not think of themselves as digital humanists with a sense of what is possible. The workshop leader is himself a layperson, not a digital humanist.
Research Management System (RMS) Training
Thursday 26 March 2020, 3pm-4pm, Haldane Building, Room 14 (PC Lab), Singleton Campus
Co-ordinator: Gary Jones, Academic Data Systems Manager, Academic Services
Please confirm your attendance for all training to Liz Whitwell coahpgr@swansea.ac.uk