pupils get an insight into the Health Care courses available at Swansea through a practical session

Health Taster Day for 6th form pupils from local schools and colleges

It was a pleasure, this October, to host a Health Taster Day on Singleton Campus for 6th form pupils from local schools and Further Education colleges. Swansea University has held this event annually for quite a few years and the Health Taster Days have been extremely popular with prospective students. The aim of the Taster Day is to give prospective students an insight into the Health Care courses available at Swansea through talks and practical sessions in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work.

This was the first day of its kind to be held since the lockdown period and it was organised by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Branch Officer in conjunction with Gower College, and the support of Academi Hywel Teifi. A group of enthusiastic pupils came to see the innovative facilities at Swansea University and to learn more about studying these subjects through the medium of Welsh at University.

Indeg Owen, Branch Officer of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol said; "It was a pleasure to be able to invite prospective students back on campus after two years of online sessions, in order to give them the opportunity to experience the excellent facilities available at Swansea University."

"Days like this are a great opportunity to reinforce our relationship with local schools and colleges and create a clear path for students who want to follow their studies through the medium of Welsh in a higher education institution that is on their doorstep."